Mousse Eclat Express Clarifying Self-Foaming Cleanser 200ml/6.7oz
Brand: Lancome
ID: #15639
Viivakoodi: | 3605530741385 |
Alkuperäinen nimi | Mousse Eclat Express Clarifying Self-Foaming Cleanser |
Sold for a year | 1610 |
Työkalu ominaisuudet | Poistaminen ärsytystä , Puhdistus , Rauhoittava vaikutus |
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We are excited to announce the addition of a new section on our website, offering an extensive range of products to cater to your diverse needs.
Melodie Cook
29.07.2021I tried this for the first time -- I've been using other Lancome cleansers, but this was cheaper, so I thought I'd give it a try. It does the job, but takes longer to wash off than other cleansers. I probably won't buy it again.
丽芳 陈
Anne Empson
28.08.2019I’ve been using this for years. Lasts ages.
xiaoxia yang
2.07.2019Feeling very clean after use it.Definitely will buy again.
Corinne Smithwick
20.03.2019Used it for years. Everything else gives me acne.
Zhanar Kamalova
6.03.2019It is very mild. And very pleasant to use. And most importantly, it leaves skin clean and not overly dry. It is nice.
Wei Li
20.02.2019Slightly drying for my skin but my husband has normal skin and he loves this stuff!
shay Brami
18.02.2019מחיר זול ב 30% מארץ ישראל הגיע מהר מאוד
Jelena Perunović Samardžić
24.07.2018Predobar proizvod, treba ga imati u svojoj kozmetickoj tasnici.
מוריאל תורג'מן
24.07.2018äåà àçã îùìåùú ñáåðé äôðéí ä÷áåòéí ùìé. ìøåá àðé ñåìãú îîåöøéí ùîúàéîéí ìëì ñåâé äòåø áâìì úçåùåú ìà ðòéîåú ùäåà îùàéø, àê áî÷øä äæä äñáåï äæä úîéã îùàéø úçåùä ðòéîä åàú òåø äôðéí ùìé çì÷. îòáø ìæä, äåà îùàéø úçåùú ðé÷éåï ðäãøú åéù ìå àô÷è îèôç åìà ø÷ îð÷ä ëé ìé áàåôï àéùé òæø îàåã ìöîöåí ð÷áåáéåú. îîìéöä!